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A Beginner's Guide to Roasting Coffee
Knowing what happens to coffee beans before they reach our cups, the physical and chemical changes that take place during the roasting process, can help us understand how important it is to store them properly in order to maintain their freshness and distinct flavor.
Mistakes You Can't Make When Handling Green Coffee
Learn more about GrainPro's sustainable solutions that can aid in the proper drying, storage, and transporting of these beans.
COVID-19 Response Advocating for African Coffee Farmers
Smallholder coffee farmers in Africa are among the most severely affected by COVID-19. Through partner organizations like Sustainable Harvest and the USADF, GrainPro strives to provide better post-harvest solutions to improve their situation.
Best Practices In Coffee Bean Storage
Safe coffee bean storage is essential for a great cup. Learn how to store coffee beans using the best hermetic storage.
Winning The War Against Stale, Moldly Flavored Specialty Coffee
Specialty coffee roasters always try to get the best solutions for keeping the quality of coffee beans. Read here and find out how GrainPro can ensure just that and more.
Importance of Moisture Content In Processing
In all stages of processing coffee, it is important to have the right moisture content. Learn why achieving and maintaining a stable moisture content is crucial for just the right brew.
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How to Know Good Coffee Bean Quality
Good coffee bean quality is essential to getting the perfect cup of coffee. Find out how to identify the factors that make up high-quality coffee beans.
How to Perfectly Dry Green Coffee Beans
Learning how to properly dry green coffee beans is an important task to get the perfect cup. Here are a few ways on how to dry your green coffee.
Importance of Moisture Content in Coffee Processing
In all stages of processing coffee, it is important to have the right moisture content. Learn why achieving and maintaining a stable moisture content is crucial for just the right brew.
Best Practices in Coffee Bean Storage
Safe coffee bean storage is essential for a great cup. Learn how to store coffee beans using the best hermetic storage.
Mistakes You Can't Make When Handling Green Coffee
Green coffee beans travel a great distance before reaching us, and their overall quality can be maintained if handled and stored properly. Learn more about GrainPro's sustainable solutions that can aid in the proper drying, storage, and transporting of these beans.
How Climate Affects Coffee: The Impacts of El Niño
As El Niño poses serious risks and challenges, discover how climate affects coffee and climate-smart solutions that can preserve its future.